
Here you will find all of the latest news from our department.

E508B Starts Sunday With Fully Involved VehicleSunday November 28th, 2010

At approximately 0817, E508B was dispatched to a vehicle fire.  While enroute, communications informed the crew that the fire was catching wires above the vehicle on fire.  E508B arrived onscene to find a fully involved conversion fan, with flames blowing through the roof.  The flames were high enough to catch the wires hanging on telephone poles above it on fire.  Police units were already on scene and stated that it was a potential crime scene and to treat it as such.  E508B's crew pulled a line and began attacking the fire, while trying to preserve the area as much as possible.  After the fire was extinguished, E508B remained on scene to assist Police Officers and the Fire Marshal with their investigation.

A Verizon technician arrived and informed us that the burnt wires were fiber optics and approximately 8000 customers were without service.

Units on scene: E508B, C508, BC501X